COMING SOON: Regional Active Transportation Plan
NFRMPO residents ride bicycles, walk, or take other active modes to destinations in northern Colorado every day. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the NFRMPO recognize these active modes as a critical tool in moving people, reducing emissions, and improving resident’s quality of life.
The 2016 Non-Motorized Plan informs bicycle and pedestrian planning in the region. The Plan expands upon the Regional Bicycle Plan developed in 2013. Active transportation planning is also incorporated into the 2040 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), adopted in September 2015, which provides the long range transportation vision for all modes.
The Northern Colorado (NoCo) Bicycle and Pedestrian Collaborative provides a monthly meeting place for people and organizations to discuss active transportation topics in northern Colorado. Additionally, the Collaborative held the first Northern Colorado Bike and Walk Conference in 2015 to facilitate the growing active transportation dialogue in the region.
Non-Motorized Plan
The NFRMPO 2016 Non-Motorized Plan (NMP) was adopted by the North Front Range Air Quality and Transportation Planning Council (NFRT&AQPC) on February 2, 2017. The primary purposes of the NMP include:
- Fulfill the federal requirement to address bicycle and pedestrian planning as a component of the Regional Transportation Plan;
- Provide a consolidated summary of the existing bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, data, and design standards throughout the region;
- Provide the NFRMPO’s 15 member governments with tools to support their local bicycle and pedestrian planning and accommodation initiatives; and
- Position the NFRMPO communities to pursue state and federal funding opportunities.
The NMP updates the 2013 Regional Bicycle Plan and introduces a pedestrian component, includes survey results on bicycle and pedestrian transportation, provides resources and tools for planning, and includes a map of all bicycle and pedestrian facilities in the NFRMPO region.
Regional Bicycle Plan

In 2013, the NFRMPO created the Regional Bicycle Plan to evaluate existing infrastructure and recommend future improvements to the regional bicycle system. Information from the plan was incorporated in the 2040 RTP, adopted in September 2015, to provide the long-range vision for the NFRMPO. The corridor based plan explored bicycle performance monitoring, infrastructure expansion, design standards, and future connections between the NFRMPO’s member governments, trail systems, employment centers, and recreational opportunities.
2013 Regional Bicycle Plan – Complete Document
Cover and table of contents
Chapters 1-3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 and Appendices A-B
Appendix C
Appendices D-G
2045 RTP Corridors
The 2045 RTP identifies the following Regional Non-Motorized Corridors (RNMCs) for investment.
Active Transportation Resources
The NFRMPO maintains a list of bicycle and pedestrian resources regarding plans, projects, and other informational items.
Compilation of Pedestrian Safety Devices In Use at Grade Crossings
Guidelines for Successful Pedestrian & Bicycle Facilities in the Denver Region
Pedestrian & Bicycle Infrastructure: A National Study of Employment Impacts
Colorado Front Range Trail
Costs for Pedestrian and Bicycle Infrastructure Improvements
Integrating Bicycling and Walking into Transportation Infrastructure
FHWA Traffic - Monitoring Guide
US DOT Policy
Questions or Comments?
You may direct active transportation questions or comments to Ryan Dusil at or (970) 422-1096.