The PM3 category considers a multitude of factors related to maintaining the State’s economy and quality of life. Because the NFRMPO region currently has under 1,000,000 residents, there are a reduced number of performance measures prior to 2022.
The NFRMPO uses a three-teir grading system to measure progress: means the State or the NFRMPO region has achieved the target based on baseline data; means the State or the NFRMPO is making progress and is trending in the proper direction or is close to achieving a target but has not yet; and means the target has not been achieved and not enough progress has been made.
Travel Time Reliability Index (TTRI)
Travel time reliability indexing (TTRI) is a multistep process to determine the ratio of peak travel periods to normal travel periods. The first step is to consider travel time reliability (TTR), which compares the 85th Percentile Travel Time to the 50th Percentile Travel Time. This information is collected using the National Performance Management Research Data Set (NPMRDS) and is collected in 15-minute segments between 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. A reliable travel time is considered a TTRI below 1.5.
Percent of person-miles traveled on Interstate system that are reliable
Statewide Baseline:
Statewide Target:
Percent of person-miles traveled on non-Interstate system that are reliable
Statewide Baseline:
Statewide Target:
Truck travel time reliability index (TTTRI)
Statewide Baseline:
Statewide Target:
Air Quality
The NFRMPO region is part of the Denver Metro-North Front Range 8-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area, comprising the Northern Subarea. In addition, the cities of Fort Collins and Greeley are in attainment for Carbon Monoxide, currently in maintenance. As a result, the NFRMPO must set performance measures related to the reduction of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), Carbon Monoxide (CO), and Nitrogen Oxides (NOx). These are related to projects funded through the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) program.
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Reduction
Statewide Baseline:
672.78 kg/day
Statewide Target:
105 kg/day
Carbon Monoxide Reduction
Statewide Baseline:
9,998.719 kg/day
Statewide Target:
1,426 kg/day
Nitrogen Oxides Reduction
Statewide Baseline:
672.780 kg/day
Statewide Target:
105 kg/day
For more detailed information view the full Systems Performance Report.