Due to COVID-19, the NFRMPO office is closed until further notice. NFRMPO and VanGo™ staff are working remotely and are best reached via email.

Congestion Management Process

Traffic congestion impacts the mobility of people and goods in Northern Colorado, which affects quality of life and economic growth in the region. The NFRMPO maintains the federally required Congestion Management Process (CMP) to improve transportation system reliability, safety, and performance.

2019 Congestion Management Process2019 CMP 
The 2019 CMP identifies an objectives-driven, performance-based process to manage regional transportation congestion. The CMP includes congestion-related goals, objectives, performance measures, and targets. In 2018, congestion cost Americans $87 Billion and an average of 97 hours. Congestion also wastes billions of gallons of fuel, releasing billions of pounds of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, annually. The CMP seeks to manage congestion on the Regionally Significant Corridors (RSCs) through a variety of region- and corridor-specific strategies.

Full Document: 2019 CMP
Summary: CMP Fact Sheet

Staff contact: Medora Bornhoft – mbornhoft@nfrmpo.org or (970) 289-8283